Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wk 2 disc (22&31) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wk 2 disc (22) - Essay Example I agree with the Hansen et. al (2006) study because I think that the factors they found: showing respect for the clients world view, evaluating when the counselors own views, assumptions and biases are impeding the counseling process, and establishing rapport are very important in working with any group, but especially with multicultural groups (p. 70). In the study by Constantine et. al (2004), a good point was made that many institutions are not open to multiculturalism and this can cause problems. However, a counselor who is willing to be flexible and who is willing to get to know different cultures will succeed better than someone who is not. Constantine et. al also said that a multi-cultural counselor must understand cultural issues. I believe this is true because this is a way that one can relate better to a client and it develops trust. Hansen, N.D., Randazzo, K. V., Schwartz, A., Marshall, M., Kalis, D., Frazier, R., Burke, C., Kershner-Rice, K., and Norvig, G. (Nancy Downing Hansen, Katherine V. Randazzo (2006). Do we practice what we preach? An exploratory survey of multicultural psychotherapy competencies. Professional Psychology Research and Practice, 37 (1), p.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Human imperfection Essay Example for Free

Human imperfection Essay There is a substantial debate among artists, critics and connoisseurs regarding the purpose of art. If views of painters like John Ruskin, writers like Robert Browning and art critic like Walter Pater are taken into account then it could be seen the perspective of the significance of art varies from person to person and school to school. Generally, the human race considers art as something that is pleasing to the eye or invokes certain emotions when viewed. And what many artists consider to be art is something which you can do and enjoy and in the end, produce something that gives a feeling of success. There are many different ways to express one using the concept called art. The most common style of art which most people think of when they think of art is the painting. The painting is usually just some form of paint media, whether oil or watercolor or whichever style it is, and the paint is then placed on some form of canvas. There are, however, literally hundreds of styles of art within the world. They range from the painting, which although never simple, isnt necessarily the most complex way to express yourself. Art can even be considered in simple writing, usually in the form of poetry. The spoken word can have a more profound effect than physical art. A simple poem can invoke a range of emotions rather quickly. If a poem refers to someone who is close to the author, the author may feel overwhelmed when viewing their own artistic expression. But a painting can just as easily invoke the same feelings as a written piece of art. And a simple sketch has the chance of being just as profound. (Lamb, 243-245) In this context Ruskin’s point of view should be taken into account as he pointed out that the primary purpose of art is to evoke the value of god by showing the detrimental side of the human nature. He advocated this thesis with high degree of indulgence in his text ‘Modern Painters’. On the other hand Browning’s views of art were different from that of Ruskin but was not contrasting as he believed that perfection is what that all mattered in art. According to his views art should cover up the human imperfection and present a faultless, great and ideal image of the human being. His point of view on art was mostly presented through the characters Andrea del Sarto and Fra Lippo Lippi. It could be assumed that according to Browning art resembled whatever that was beautiful and faultless. In sharp contrast the point of view of Walter Pater completely rejects the previous two ideas. According to Walter Pater art should always be sensual and provoking. His idea of art completely ignores the aspects of spiritualities and sentiments along with any relation to emotion and theology. According to him any art that fails to evoke sensual feeling or satisfies the erotic feelings of the audience could well be labeled as failed art. In this context it would be relevant to quote Sir Kenneth Clark from his text ‘The Nude’. He mentioned that â€Å"no nude, however abstract, should fail to arouse in the spectator some vestige of erotic feeling, even though it be only finest shadow-and it if does no do so, it is bad art and false moral†. (Clark, 79) However, it can be stated that Art could be considered something as simple as an action someone has done for a cause or for somebody. If someone holds the door for somebody else, it could be their art to be generous and gentlemanly. Even acts of crime can be considered forms of art. In many thieving circles, the method of breaking and entering or robbing places is merely called the Art of Theft. Thus one can never really limit art to one thing. Rather, it is a wide arrangement of things. And one can never truly crack down and say that something is only artistic if it is of some particular kind of medium, because somebody else will disagree. It can be stated that Art is basically anything that anyone does which has a profound effect on somebody or something else. From a simple act of kindness to a masterpiece painting that took years out of somebody’s life. Some art can be considered more complex, and some art can be considered simpler in contrast. But, the fact of the matter is, in the eye of the beholder, art could be anything. So is it really possible for us to define what art is or can we really set any realistic guidelines as to whats art and what isnt art? It is always possible to create guidelines, but it is often considered an art-form in itself to break said guidelines. Similarly, the aesthetics of art could well be beyond the definition set by rigid guideline and logically thus the significance or purpose of art remains a relative concept. But defining what is aesthetic and what isnt can also be quite an undertaking. Simply put, something that is aesthetically pleasing is something that appeals to the senses. For instance, flowers give a nice aesthetic sense of smell by offering their pleasant odors. A nicely painted picture can give off a nice aesthetic sight for somebody to enjoy. Often it is difficult to create something aesthetically pleasing, as there are many ways to easily offend peoples senses. For instance, if you wanted to create a painting to give off an aesthetic feeling of hope, you probably wouldnt use an over abundance of dark colors. Dark colors are often used to show calmness or even more commonly, something sad and depressing. Also, when painting, if you use wider and more circular strokes with a lighter press on your brush, youll give off more depressing tones and colors. So, it would be more advisable to use lighter colors and more agile handling of the brush. Lighter colors often give off a feeling of warmth and happiness, which is something that you would like to be doing if you would like to create something hopeful. (King, 126) However, it can be stated that it doesnt really matter whether or not we can define the significance of art, because art is just an expression. It is a method for human beings to get out their emotions and share them with the rest of the world. It helps to describe what cannot be spoken. A picture is worth a thousand words, but even those thousand words can yet again produce a thousand additional pictures. And in this method of thought, the significance of art has an infinite number of possibilities and an infinite number of ways to influence the lives of others. Thus the significance or the purpose of art lies in its spirituality, humane approach, sense of beauty and even sensuality all at the same time and there should not be any rigidity in this context. References: Clark, Kenneth; The Nude; (Alliance Publishers. 2002) King, H; Aesthetic Today (HBT Brooks Ltd. 2005) pp 126 Lamb, Davis; Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata. (National Book Trust. 2004) pp 243-245.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free Ulysses Essays: Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus :: Joyce Ulysses Essays

Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus of Ulysses Though I realize that Ulysses is a masterful paradigm of innovative techniques (or so the faculty of the university would have one believe) - it is the conflicting natures of Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus which I find of primary (if not sole) interest. Dedalus is a disillusioned, Jesuit trained academic with literary aspirations. His academic pursuits have led to a symbolic burning of his wings (his emotional detachment) as he rose to "the enlightenment of the Sun." He tolerates neither the abusive Buck Mulligan nor the condescending Oxonian Haines (the coinhabitants of Martello Tower) and feigns interest in the citizenry of Dublin. Buck Mulligan is a cynical man of action. He mocks Dedalus' beliefs and intellectual prowess. Whereas Dedalus fears water (perhaps symbolizing baptism) - Mulligan once saved a drowning man. Mulligan "plunges into life" while Stephen meekly questions existence and his place in reality. Mulligan can ingratiate himself to the "peasantry" (see the encounter with the unpaid Milk woman) while Dedalus broods on Irish history and appears the elitist. Stephen has been "blinded by the Sun" and lives in a shapeless world. His feelings of guilt (primarily concerning his mother's hideous death and the abandonment of his sisters to poverty) coupled with his sense of estrangement necessitates a continuous introspection as recourse. His relentless pursuit of absolute truths (a concept dear to the Aristotelian Jesuits) clarifies little and fuels his discontent. As a teacher he is uncaring - oblivious to the inadequacies of his students. As an employee he is held in light regard. "You were not born to be a teacher, I think...To learn one must be humble" states the schoolmaster, Mr.Deasy (35). His literary views are scorned by his contemporaries and he is not considered a poet of any promise. Yet Dedalus is a hero of a different ilk. Stephen is a sincere "thinker" and as such is diametrically opposed to Mulligan - "the man of action." He considers the import of his actions and grieves his perceived sins - Mulligan hides in cynicism.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Practical Report

My possible results were now: Bacillus cereus, Mycobacterium segments, or Lasciviously acidophilus. Next I preformed the acid fast staining. When preparing this slide and viewing it on oil immersion, I was a little more confident about the negative result yielded. You are less likely to confuse a negative blue with a positive fuchsia or pink color, which was my issue in my gram staining process. Was teetering on whether my gram stain was purple, red, or both. My results in the acid fast staining were clearly blue, making the results negative.Looking back at the key, it narrows my possible results by one, leaving me with: Mycobacterium segments, or Lasciviously acidophilus. My last staining slide was the spore stain. Here yielded a negative result. The color on my slide was red. From lab red is highlighting the cell, here green would represent the spore. Did have maybe one or two green spots, but chalked that up to over dripping of malachite green, over microwaving, or not enough wate r on paper towel, as my slide was cracked in half after being microwaves. Looking back again at the lab key was narrowed my choices again, ending up with Lasciviously acidophilus.In the end, three staining tests results were as follows: Gram yielded positive, acid sat yielded negative, and spore standardized negative. The morphology that noticed was rod shape. I had a hard time distinguishing long rods from short rods. In my opinion the rods seemed short, if possible when they appeared longer they looked more like two short rods were just attached at the ends. So my thought as to what my unknown bacteria is, would be: Lasciviously acidophilus. My rationale for my results answer is mainly based on what was yielded from the staining Of each slide.The colored results matched to either positive or negative and the morphology just takes you a tepee closer in matching your result. The bacteria that believe my results yielded is Lasciviously acidophilus. It is known as a â€Å"friendly' b acteria and is a very common proportion that is found naturally in our bodies, mainly in the mouth, intestines, and the vagina. Structure wise Lasciviously acidophilus is a single-celled prokaryotic microorganism that lacks a distinct nucleus. It also contains a cell wall, a cytoplasm membrane, a nucleoli, cytoplasm, ribosome, pill, and flagella.It is rod shaped and measures about 0. 5 to 0. 8 micrometer across by 2 to 9 mm in length. It occurs in chains and is non spore forming (Sanders 322). Lasciviously acidophilus has optimal growth at 37-42 degrees Celsius. They are able to live in highly acidic environments. Prefers to grow at low pH, anything below 5. It is a motile bacteria that grows in or without the presence of oxygen. Bacteria is able to digest lactose. Culture preparations consist of dried or liquid cultures of living bacteria (it can be grown on agar slants made of 2% agar in a solution of 3. 5% Lasciviously broth).High colony counts on mediums that contain potassium a cetate, dextrose, and CHOPPY to name a ewe. This bacteria is used as a proportion to prevent/treat vaginal candidates, yeast infections of the mouth, and diarrhea. Overuse or a side effects that are currently known about this bacteria is constipation and flatulence. With Lasciviously acidophilus there wasn't much about the production of toxins it could cause, but more about the dittoing abilities. It aids in producing enzymes which promote digestibility, decreases the levels of toxic amines in the blood, the positive list goes on.When researching of other bacteria that was closely related to Lasciviously acidophilus. I was unsuccessful. But because it does grow naturally within us this bacteria works in conjunction with other bacteria and organisms within our bodies. After coming to the conclusion of my results until now I think was very oblivious to the bacteria that I was looking up. The more in-depth search I went into I realized I used this bacteria, this proportion, often in my profession. The physicians at my nursing home often prescribe Lasciviously acidophilus to residents that are being treated with an antibiotic.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Interrelationship between Psychology and Biology Essay

Of late Psychologists have shown a keen interest in Biology, which even today is considered a completely different discipline of study by many. However the fact is that both these disciplines are interconnected. Sickness of the mind affects body and vice versa. According to Nidamboor, â€Å"Stress, depression, and other psychological factors make us vulnerable to many diseases. This is so because the relation between mind and health is balanced not only by our own behavior but also by our biological connections. There are links between our brain and the immune system, which sometimes work in opposite directions.† (para. 5) As a result if we are suffering from a biological disease then it affects are behavior, emotions and interactions with others. In order to get to the crux of behavioral problems it is very important for the psychologists to have a fair idea of the biological history of a person. This approach would positively affect the diagnosis and the psychological treatmments that an individual is undergoing. Psychological problems like anxiety disorders, personality disorders, depressive disorders and behavioral disorders have their roots in the biological problems that one is facing. For example if a person is handicapped he might suffer from bouts of depression due to his inability to be normal as others. Similarly if a person is too fat or too thin then too his emotional well being is affected by his biological body structure. He might indulge in inappropriate eating behaviors and might suffer from a feeling of worthlessness and low self esteem. Hence it is extremely imperative for psychologists to get thorough knowledge about a client’s status of biological wellbeing. Since there is an extraordinary link between our minds and bodies imbalance of either would affect the other and perhaps this is why psychologists are so concerned with biology. References Nidamboor, R. (2009). How psychology affects biology. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

FASB essays

FASB essays The owner of capital in AT is a principal or investor who is risk loving or, at worst, risk neutral. To the AT risk lover Bayes Theorem would recommend that accountants supply good information to help investors revise their priors about expected payout (product of probability multiplied by reward) because that is how risk loving investors rank their investment alternatives. To the EMH risk averse investor Bayes Theorem would recommend that accountants supply good information to help investors revise their priors about probability (or risk) because that is how risk averse investors rank their investment alternatives.*SPANSTYLE="MSO-SPACERUN: yes? The argument for EMH and relevance first above reliability *SPANLANG=EN-CA style="COLOR: blue; FONT-SIZE: 7pt"fEcon Cons (Zeff Solomons Ruland) Less NI*FONTSIZE=1 face="Wingdings"*FONTSIZE=1 avoid re scrutiny +govt inter. FASB set stands *FONTSIZE=1 face="Wingdings"*FONTSIZE=1 not only *SPANLANG=EN-CA style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt" a/cN stds *SPANLANG=EN-CA style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt" private int.s *FONTSIZE=1 face="Wingdings"*FONTSIZE=1 social bens +cost= bal..-Process is being abused *SPANSTYLE='MSO-CHAR-TYPE:SYMBOL;MSO-SYMBOL-FONT-FAMILY:WINGDINGS'*FONTSIZE=1 rules *SPANLANG=EN-CA style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt" give/ allow biased info. -flexibility to serve public int. FMT*FONTSIZE=1 *FONTSIZE=1 face="Wingdings"*FONTSIZE=1 problem w/ eco. *SPANLANG=EN-CA style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt" quality of info lesses IT*FONTSIZE=1 *FONTSIZE=1 face="Wingdings"*FONTSIZE=1 supposed to be serven pub int. Solomons: govt = macro econs K goes where it wants to go Ruland*FONTSIZE=1: bal EC + RF professional duty to tell the truth is that investors are trying to figure out future value so the best way to do that is to tell them abou...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Current Financial Struggles

Current Financial Struggles Introduction I would wish to raise my concern concerning the trends in demand and supply in the world as I propose that you look at my opinions and cover them in the coming month’s economic magazine. I have been following your articles in the economic magazine and I have realized that the issue has not been covered for a long time.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Current Financial Struggles specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More My interest in this topic has been brought about by the current trends in the micro economic sector. It has become quite hard to predict the trends in demand and supply since the trends have been changing in a very irregular manner. It is therefore important to look at this topic in detail in order to determine the causes of the current trends, the effects they may have in the micro economic sector and the possible solutions. Demand refers to the amount of goods and services that consumers may be willing to purchase at a given price. It is therefore, an economic principle that shows the relationship between the consumers’ willingness and desire to pay for a certain commodity and price. Supply on the other hand is an economic principle that refers to the total number of goods and services at the exposure of the consumer at a given price at a particular time. Demand and supply go hand in hand in that when the demand goes high then the supply is low and that the when the supply is high, the demand goes down. Market Forces of demand and Supply One of the major causes of the current fluctuation of demand and supply in the microeconomic sector is weather which has currently become so unpredictable due to global warming among other issues. Weather mostly affects agricultural products. A good example of the effect of weather is when the cold weather hits Florida; the price of juice rises throughout the nation. This affects the demand and supply of the commodity a grea t deal. It is not likely to attract the supply of the commodity from the producers while the demand goes down as the consumers tries to shy away from the high prices. When the warm weather prevails in summers, prices of hotel rooms in England plummet all as a result of effects of demand and supply Weather also affects the demand and supply of clothing as well as the production of various goods (Mankiw 65). Globalization and changes in technology have also lead to unpredictable fluctuation in demand and supply. This is a very broad topic in that it affects close to all areas of the economy. For example, any disruption occurring in the oil producing countries will affect the world supply of oil and this effect will be felt even in countries which do not produce oil.Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Globalization has made countries depend on each and as a result and this has enhanced the effect of supply and demand forces. Nowadays, agricultural products can be produced at any time of the year using technology such as irrigation and green houses that do not depend on weather patterns. It is therefore hard to predict market trends using weather patterns and in most cases nowadays, other factors leads to such changes. Population has been another major factor contributing to unpredictable fluctuations in demand and supply. When the populations increase a need to supply them with essential products is created. The population in many nations has been falling thus affecting demand and supply. However, there has been a lot of immigration throughout the world and it is hard to predict the future of the population in any country. This has also been affected by political stability in various nations whereby a nation may be under populated today and overpopulated tomorrow as people flee from political instability. This also affects demand and supply a gre at deal. Effects of fluctuating demand and supply to a nation There are various effects of fluctuation of demand and supply to the microeconomic sector in any nation. For instance, price increase and decrease has so much effect on the total expenditure as explained by the price elasticity of demand and supply. This refers to the measure of responsiveness of the supply and demand of a commodity to changes in price (Bernanke 92). The measure of responsiveness depends on the nature of the commodity. For instance, changes in prices of some commodities such as salt may not affect its demand or supply at all. This is because people won’t make to do without this commodity since it does not have complements or substitutes. The expenditure on such a commodity may therefore be very high due to high prices since consumers may not be in a position to do away with them. On the other hand, changes in prices of some commodities may not have so much effect on the expenditure. These are mainl y the commodities which contain complements. For instance, when the price of coffee rises, most consumer will likely shift using coffee substitutes. For commodities which have supplements, when one commodity is on demand, then its supplement’s demand must also rise. Supplements refer to commodities which complete the others. For example, Wheat flour cannot be used without cooking oil thus the demand of one of them promotes the demand of the other.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Current Financial Struggles specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The effects of unpredictable weather changes have been prevalent so much in the microeconomic sector since it has been hard to plan for the future. The same case applies to globalization, changes in technology and population changes. All these issues have made it hard to predict demand and supply of commodities in the micro economic sectors thus calling for the producers a nd consumers to find solutions to the prevailing problems Solutions The current situation in the world is a challenging situation since most of its causes are issues that are not planned for or are determined by nature. For instance, weather changes are natural though in some instances are influenced by human activities. Human beings therefore need to rectify the source of problems such as reviving water catchment as well as applying their knowledge in better methods of food production. Population changes can be controlled through controlling of immigration and political stability. Finally, globalization and advancing technology are human controlled activities thus cooperation can put them under control in order to solve the problem of demand and supply. Conclusion Demand and supply is a very important issue in the microeconomic sector since it directly or indirectly affects people’s daily lives. It is therefore important to consider the issues surrounding this issue in order to protect the economy as well as the population. Bernanke, Ben. Principles of Microeconomics. China: McGraw Hill, 2008. Print. Mankiw, Gregory. Principles of Microeconomics. New York: Cengage Learning, 2008. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Quotes from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Quotes from 'Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Brave New World deals with issues of technological advancements, sexuality, and individualityin a dehumanizing society. Huxley explores how his characters react to living in a dystopian future society, in which everyone’s place in society is strictly defined. Here are a few quotes from the novel.   Our world is not the same as  Othellos  world. You cant make flivvers without steel- and you cant make tragedies without social instability. The worlds stable now. People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they cant get.† (ch. 16) With these words which Mustapha Mond speaks to John, in a philosophical-debate-like fashion, he details why Shakespeare is obsolete in the World State. Being a highly educated man, he admits to them being beautiful, but his words are old, and, thus, unfit for a society that is primarily oriented to consumerism. What’s more, he belittles John for using Shakespeare as  a paradigm of values and ethics, because Shakespeare’s world is very different from the World State. His was a world subjected to turmoil and instability, while the World State is essentially stable, which, in turn, is not a fertile ground for tragedies.   Quotes about Love and Sex â€Å"Whore! he shouted Whore! Impudent strumpet!† (Ch. 13) John yells these words at Lenina as she gets naked in front of him. Citing his beloved Shakespeare, he addresses her as a â€Å"disrespectful whore.† It’s a line coming from Othello, where the titular character is about to kill his wife Desdemona as he became convinced she had been cheating on him. Both instances of the use â€Å"impudent strumpet,† are misdirected, though: Desdemona was faithful all along, while Lenina had been sleeping around because the society she was raised in conditioned her to do so. Both Othello and John see their love interest as both sleazy and beautiful, which disturbs John, since he is not able to compute feelings of repulsion and attraction at the same time. In fact, such contrasting feelings eventually lead him to madness and death. Mother, monogamy, romance. High spurts the fountain; fierce and foamy the wild jet. The urge has but a single outlet. My love, my baby. No wonder those poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable. Their world didn’t allow them to take things easily, didn’t allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy. What with mothers and lovers, what with the prohibitions they were not conditioned to obey, what with the temptations and the lonely remorses, what with all the diseases and the endless isolating pain, what with the uncertainties and the poverty- they were forced to feel strongly. And feeling strongly (and strongly, what was more, in solitude, in hopelessly individual isolation), how could they be stable? (Chapter 3) In Chapter 3, Mustapha Mond explains the history of the World State to a group of boys touring the Hatchery. â€Å"Mother, monogamy, and romance† are concepts that are reviled in the World State, as is the whole idea of â€Å"feeling strongly,† and they are the core values of John, who is devoted to his mother, strives for monogamy and romance while still experiencing feelings unfiltered by soma. However, eventually, abiding by those feelings causes him to try to purify himself with self-flagellation, which, in an unfortunate turn of events, leads to his madness and to his suicide. His demise does, indirectly, prove Mustapha Mond’s point, as, by eliminating â€Å"mother, monogamy, and romance† alongside â€Å"feeling strongly,† the World State succeeded in creating a stabile society where everybody was, indeed, superficially happy. Sure, human beings are indoctrinated to behave in one way and one way only according to their caste, and the whole Stat e is a system founded on production and consumptions, fueled by the consumeristic tendencies of its inhabitants. However, they are happy. They just need to drink soma and choose merriment over truth. A good trade-off. Politics â€Å"When the individual feels, the community reels† (various locations) This is a Society’s teaching of the World State, which goes hand in hand with â€Å"never put of till tomorrow the fun you can have today.† Lenina pronounces it to Bernard after they had spent a night together in his rooms, which he regretted, saying he wished it had ended differently, especially considering it was their first day together. She claims it’s pointless to put off having any fun, while he wants to â€Å"feel something strongly,† which is largely discouraged in the world state, as feelings can overthrow any form of stability. Yet, Bernard yearns for some reeling too. This conversation makes Lenina feel rejected. Yes, and civilization is sterilization.† (Ch. 7) Civilization is sterilization is one of the main Society’s teachings in Brave New World, and different characters utter it throughout the novel. Sterilization can mean different things: one is sanitation and cleanliness, as opposed to the filth people in the Reservation live in. â€Å" I had an awful cut on my head when they first brought me here. You cant imagine what they used to put on it. Filth, just filth† Linda recalls before uttering the statement. Similarly, Lenina equates sterilization with cleanliness, which, she insists â€Å"is next to fordliness.† However, sterilization can also be interpreted with regards to making women unable to bear children. In the World State, 70% of the female population are made into freemartins, meaning sterile women. They achieve that by injecting the female embryos with a low dose of sex hormones. This makes them sterile and fairly normal, except for the slight tendency to grow a beard.   Happiness And if ever, by some unlucky chance, anything unpleasant should somehow happen, why, there’s always soma to give you a holiday from the facts. And there’s always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. In the past you could only accomplish these things by making a great effort and after years of hard moral training. Now, you swallow two or three half-gramme tablets, and there you are. Anybody can be virtuous now. You can carry at least half your morality about in a bottle. Christianity without tears- that’s what soma is. (Chapter 17) This quote is excerpted from a conversation between John and Mustapha, which takes place in Chapter 17. Mustapha is trying to convince John how soma is a cure-all remedy for any unpleasant emotion, which, in turn, lead to inefficiency and conflict. Unlike the hard moral training of the past, soma can solve any ailment of the soul almost instantly. Curiously, the parallel between moral training, which is usually a core aspect of religion, and soma, hints at the origin of the word soma itself. It used to be an entheogenic draught that was consumed during rituals in the Vedic religion. Several myths also see two opposing factions of deities fighting over the ownership of soma. But while, originally, soma was consumed by gods and humans alike in order to attain â€Å"the light† and immortality, the soma, which, in the world state, comes in convenient tablets, and it’s mainly used to deal with any â€Å"unpleasantness†: Lenina knocks herself out with it after being un able to endure the horrors she witnessed in the Reservation, while Linda who, in her isolation in the Reservation had been looking for a substitute for the soma in mescaline and peyotl, eventually is prescribed a lethal dose of soma once she gets back to the World State.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Social disorganization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social disorganization - Essay Example Social disorganization contributes substantially to organized crime by working hand in hand with the aspect of the failure of certain social institutions that lead to the increase of crimes in general. Such include urban decay, general deterioration of the ecology found in inner cities and general failure of the society, as well as familial deterioration. In this regard, crime is affiliated with the level in which one is in the society that he or she lives. This is in relation to social stratification, which stands for divisions of humans in any society based on financial, ethnic, racial or charismatic background. As a result, organized crime is the outcome of blatant flouting of social rules by ignorant members of the society, as well as familial deterioration. This is due to the capabilities that crime gangs have in relation to replacing familial figures and creating a sense of belonging by being part of a crime gang with national syndication. In this light, organized crime is prom oted by the loss of social organization or failure of vital social structures such as family, making crime part f daily life for affected individuals thus; attempting to weed out the evil element in them an uphill task. In addition, failure of other organizations such as law enforcement, crucial for social wellbeing results in organized crime. This is concerning to demand goods and services that are contrary to social norms, beliefs and values, as well as flouting legislation. In addition, social disorganization creates thriving grounds for organized crime in the political front. This is in relation to the influence that organized crime holds on political spheres, and is thus, used to drive campaigns of a political nature in order to maintain power and control. This implies that politicians utilize social disorganization to remain in political power. Social disorganization interacts with the legal world to run crime syndicates, where this is done by conspiring to trade in goods and services that are illegal. Organized crime and social disorganization also interact in the most of unlikely ways concerning white-collar crimes and participation. In this case, those that participate in white-collar crimes such as computer fraud and insider trading participate in such activities following the specialized skills they have and lack of proper channel to exercise them (Matsueda, 2006). This shows failure of the social moral system meaning that leads to development of individuals with flexible morals, ethics, or the total lack of the two. This is due to broken family structures, social justice systems, and political corruption. In addition, white-collar organized crime falls under social disorganization in which case, individual criminality falls within interaction with social groups. This means that the crime rate of a group is determined by the level of organization either for or against crime. In this case, it refers to the goals and ambitions of a given group in crim e, as well as their motivation towards engaging in crime (Matsueda, 2006). Organized crime can be engaged in as a form of gaining recognition from peers by impressing them, although it is for a bigger goal than individual pleasure. Politically, breakdown of structures to the benefit of politicians in generating machinery that works in

Determining Your Perfect Position Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Determining Your Perfect Position Paper - Essay Example However, as challenging as the position of leader might be, it can be best fulfilled by an employee who has a lot of experience working for the organization. If the restructure allows them to assume this position then along with the problems, the perks of this job will also be great. Deciding on a specific style of leadership will be a difficult task, thus it is best to switch on the situational leadership role. The advantage of such an approach is its ability to be highly effective. It switches the need to choose one specific style and try to run every part of the organization in that mode. This will allow a larger number of people under different departments to be efficient and effective under the leadership of one individual. By using various different modes the leader can ensure the full participation of each member in their team. The most important aspect of this method is the motivation and capability of the employees. The leader needs to recognize three forces when dealing with his employees when involved in this situation: the force of the situation, forces in the follower and the forces of the leader (Tannenbaum and Schmidt). Authoritarian approach is one of the most empowering and extreme forms of leadership used. Here the leader uses his high level of power to control their team members. The employees aren’t allowed to express their opinion about any decision made by the leader. They have to agree to it without making any suggestions. This has to be done even if the employee has an idea that will be of great use to the organization. However, this mechanism was flawed; many people resent being treated with such control. This can lead to many employees choosing to be absent rather than appearing for work or even a staff turnover. The benefits of teamwork are lost as the most experienced employees choose to leave the team. This method is useful and is still a preferred mode because the control ensures all the work is done. This leadership

Friday, October 18, 2019


WH1 EFFECTS OF RELIGION IN EUROPE DURING MIDDLE AGES - Essay Example The church was a very powerful body back then. Before the establishment of Christianity as a strong religion, the Roman emperor had many Christians killed during this period, because they all refused to bow to Roman gods. Emperor Constantine was the emperor who popularized Christianity as a religion, which saw the era of Christian persecution ending. The Romans who previously worshipped other gods began worshiping God and following Christianity ever since. With the Emperor being a Christian, and all other successors following his example, religion was popularized, not only as a religion, but also as a way of life. However, when the Germans conquered the Romans in the 5th Century, the beginning of the Dark Ages, Catholicism began and religion began becoming increasingly strong. The power of the catholic church was great, since catholic was derived from the word ‘Catholic’ which meant universal, thus making Christianity a universal religion accepted by all. The power of the Catholic Church was so great that it charged taxes and had large tracts of church owned lands, and hence it was more than a religion, but rather a symbol of overall power and the equivalent of a government back then. From an economic perspective, the Catholic Church back then imposed taxes on the people and accepted or called for people to donate gifts, if they wanted to secure a place in heaven. The craze of power held by the church also led it to increase in terms of wealth and became a very wealthy institution. The more wealth the Catholic Church accrued, the stronger it became and the more its power extended to other regions. In relation to the social consideration, the church had a strong foundation for socialization, as going to churches on Sundays alone was mandatory, not to mention in the in-week attendances and masses. Latin was the mostly used language and all the religious people, thus had to

Obama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Obama - Essay Example The statement "Obama, we love you" was shouted three times while you were giving the speech. You received over thirty rounds of applause and a standing ovation at the end of your speech, a show of appreciation of and acceptance for you and your speech from a large swath of people. Your audience included religious leaders like the grand Imam of al-Azhar and Pope Shenouda III, scholars, politicians, actors, civil organizations, non-governmental leaders, and people that have influence over many people. Also, you had college students and youth in the audience, the people who will lead and shape the future of this region of the world, and they all liked what you were bringing to them. I was not sure that it was possible for us to make those people like and understand us after what they saw from the previous Administration. For eight years, they received continuous messages from Washington that we (the Americans) are against them (the Muslim and Arab world). They received the message that they (the Americans) are against us so there is no way that we can get together and work together against common enemies. The previous Administration acted and used terminologies that made us look like we (the Americans) are in a religious war against the Arab world and against Islam. The previous Administration sent a message that anybody who was not with us in our "Crusade" in the war on terror is against us. We gave the extremists reasons and chances to drag other people in coalitions against us. They used our former President's own words to explain to their followers how and why they are in a "religious war" against America and the West. How do we make these people stop hating us The previous Administration spent so much time thinking about what we should do to stop the majority of Muslims from hating us and hating our nation. They also spent millions and even billions of our money to repair our damaged image on an international scale. These policies were not working because for every reason we gave them to like us, we gave them tons of other gestures and signals that they should not trust us. The previous Administration didn't know that it is very simple how to make these people stop hating us. Just reaching out to them, letting them know that we want to open a new page with them, and telling them that we care about their future and their well-being as fellow citizens of earth would have been enough. President Obama, you told them that you understand that building trust will take time. You told them, "No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust."1 They understood that you are not planning to deceive them. They know you are willing to work with them on building trust. You told them that your speech is just an opening for our new relations. You also made it clear that you are not promising to change all the U.S. policies in Middle East. However, you made it clear that Israel is the biggest American ally in the region, and that the protection of the Jewish state is a constant obligation of the United States. However, the Palestinians have the right to their own stable homeland. The two-state solution is the American vision to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Insurance Is Not Always Beneficial to Emplyees Essay

Insurance Is Not Always Beneficial to Emplyees - Essay Example In the United States, for example, many employees get Insurance policy through their employers where the employers help pay the Insurance policy. When the employer insures one, it is usually through a managed care plan that are health insurance plans that provide health care facilities to members at reduced costs by laying down contracts with medical facilities and health care providers. Employer based Insurance is often much cheaper as compared to buying individual Insurance, hence many people rather have their insurance bill cut from their salaries. The United States unlike other industrialized countries has a different case in that it does not have a national Insurance System. It is important to be insured because one cannot always tell when they are going to need the medical attention. There are vast advantages of getting employee-based health insurance. In the essay, I will look at health insurance in group verses individualized context, explore the advantages of employer based health insurance plan and discuss that insurance is not always beneficial. Group verses Individualized Insurance Employment based Insurance is an example of group based Insurance. ... e of group insurance policy is that it is much easier to obtain in that there are little procedures to be followed, which would in turn delay or even terminate the whole application process like inquiring about the health history of individual members. Group insurance policy is definitely the cheapest form of insurance available. However, as compared to group insurance, there are numerous advantages of individualized insurance plans. Firstly, one is able to customize the provisions they may want included or neglected in their package. They may also choose to regulate on the deductible amount of payment that the insurance company does. It also enables individual to choose the doctor that would be conducting their services. Here the price range may be elevated as compared to group insurers, but the services are better. It may also be exceptionally costly particularly when one runs a high risk being ill or has high health risk qualities. Advantages of Employment Based Health Insurance P lans A health plan would gain more if groups of individuals with low health risks were enrolled in it as compared to unhealthy list of individuals. In the United States where the employee health insurance benefit scheme is purely voluntary, there is a great chance that a group of highly unhealthy individuals are registered in the plan. Insurers would often prefer to enroll a group of individual as compared to the specific individual. Employment based insurance groups are one of the individual groups that are always considered to be formed for the sole purpose to offer their employees health insurance. It does not discriminate and whether the individual in the group posses a high health risk than the other, they will automatically qualify for the system. Not only are employers capable of

Citi bank Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Citi bank - Assignment Example Citigroup operates in six major regions in the world which are North America, Latin America, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa. An institution connecting millions of people from more than 1000 cities covering 160 countries, they represent themselves as a global bank. After achieving tremendous success domestically since its inception in the year 1812, they expanded globally with a sole purpose of serving their clients and shareholders effectively (Citigroup, 2013b). Citibank’s main objective of internationalization is to enter new markets and structure a banking relationship with a dedicated team of country specific officials who have thorough understanding of foreign markets and have a wealth of experience working with Citibank divisions across the globe. One of the primary global solution services of Citibank includes quick and easy opening of account in any of the 39 currencies from a single Citibank branch. Thus it spares the need for opening accounts country by country ; currency by currency. They also offer foreign exchange services to international clients thereby providing personalized one-to-one guidance from a foreign exchange specialist. They also offer 24 hours foreign exchange trading in 135 different currencies. In addition to that, Citibank also provides World Link service by means of which their international clients can make payments such as wires, automatic clearing houses or checks in any of these 135 currencies. Their multicurrency payment system offers a one-stop solution for their international clients to make payments using their preferred currency without opening accounts in different currency which they want to trade in (Citigroup, 2013c). The Citibank global business solution division helps its clients who are involved in internal business (importing materials or expanding overseas) by providing paperwork-oriented services thereby mitigating the risk. CitiBusiness trade services and manage trade transactions on behalf of their international clients thereby helping them to minimize their risk when dealing with counterparties from different countries (Citigroup, 2013d). As far as the Citibank’s international business operations in the Asia pacific region is concerned, its history dates back to 1902. They provide more services in the market, with a large base of clients, compared to any other financial institutions in this region through its institutional clients group and global consumer banking business. They employ more than 60,000 officials across 18 countries in this region. Citibank has a rich history of innovation and customer service in this region and has been as the region’s leading retail bank (Citibank, 2013e). As far as Europe, the Middle East and Africa is concerned, Citibank operates in 116 countries. However, it maintains physical presence only in 55 of them. Operating in this region has proven to be of great benefits for the organization, primarily because this region includes a thick combination of both developed and emerging markets. The main rationale for preferring Citibank over any other financial institutions in this region, as explained by the clients, is because of the bank’s global footprint, market position, in-country relationships and availability of wide

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Insurance Is Not Always Beneficial to Emplyees Essay

Insurance Is Not Always Beneficial to Emplyees - Essay Example In the United States, for example, many employees get Insurance policy through their employers where the employers help pay the Insurance policy. When the employer insures one, it is usually through a managed care plan that are health insurance plans that provide health care facilities to members at reduced costs by laying down contracts with medical facilities and health care providers. Employer based Insurance is often much cheaper as compared to buying individual Insurance, hence many people rather have their insurance bill cut from their salaries. The United States unlike other industrialized countries has a different case in that it does not have a national Insurance System. It is important to be insured because one cannot always tell when they are going to need the medical attention. There are vast advantages of getting employee-based health insurance. In the essay, I will look at health insurance in group verses individualized context, explore the advantages of employer based health insurance plan and discuss that insurance is not always beneficial. Group verses Individualized Insurance Employment based Insurance is an example of group based Insurance. ... e of group insurance policy is that it is much easier to obtain in that there are little procedures to be followed, which would in turn delay or even terminate the whole application process like inquiring about the health history of individual members. Group insurance policy is definitely the cheapest form of insurance available. However, as compared to group insurance, there are numerous advantages of individualized insurance plans. Firstly, one is able to customize the provisions they may want included or neglected in their package. They may also choose to regulate on the deductible amount of payment that the insurance company does. It also enables individual to choose the doctor that would be conducting their services. Here the price range may be elevated as compared to group insurers, but the services are better. It may also be exceptionally costly particularly when one runs a high risk being ill or has high health risk qualities. Advantages of Employment Based Health Insurance P lans A health plan would gain more if groups of individuals with low health risks were enrolled in it as compared to unhealthy list of individuals. In the United States where the employee health insurance benefit scheme is purely voluntary, there is a great chance that a group of highly unhealthy individuals are registered in the plan. Insurers would often prefer to enroll a group of individual as compared to the specific individual. Employment based insurance groups are one of the individual groups that are always considered to be formed for the sole purpose to offer their employees health insurance. It does not discriminate and whether the individual in the group posses a high health risk than the other, they will automatically qualify for the system. Not only are employers capable of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cemex Case Study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cemex Case Study - Coursework Example In terms of markets, the developing countries of China and India may be seen as some of most important due to large scale cement consumption and production fuelled by large scale economic growth (OECD 2010, 2009). It may be expected that in future years as wealth becomes higher per capita in these markets, that demand begins to fall to levels seen in the developed world. In addition, the nature of products consumed in developing markets also varies from those of the developed world. Here there is a preference for pre-bagged building materials as opposed to bulk delivery, a trend which is reversed in developed markets. 2. In terms of global capacity, Cemex ranks as third with a capacity of 64.7 million tons, this compares to market leader Lafarge’s capacity of 108 million tons and Taiheiyo in sixth place at 37.9 million tons. Despite the capacity of the company, Cemex ranks as number one by market share in 9 of its key 13 markets and second in anther three. As such, Cemexâ€⠄¢s overall capacity lags behind the total demand for the company’s products making the company a global sourcer. ... This however, may be seen as linked to the unique characteristics of such markets which have a propensity to favour local or national producers over the large international players such as Cemex. As such, despite being a global player, Cemex may still be seen as lacking a substantial presence in key regional markets in both Asia and Africa. 3. Overall, it would appear that Cemex after the current round of acquisitions is now a â€Å"broad† player within the market for building products, while the firm had previously focused on cement (Jobber, 2007). Recent acquisitions has seen the company moving into both the aggregates and ready mixed concrete market. With regards to Cemex’s generic strategy, it would appear that the company follows a cost leadership model (Porter, 2004). This can be seen in the so called â€Å"Cemex way† in which on making an acquisition the company attempts to implement a two way process of rationalisation taking the best and most cost effect ive practises from both the parent company and the acquisitioned company and then implementing the most cost effective. There is however, one area in which Cemex may be seen as developing a differentiated strategy. In the market for bagged cements, Cemex was the first producer to developed a â€Å"branded† option, thus making the product more attractive in the lucrative home build market segment. In addition, the company also makes small local changes to the produce based upon customer perceptions of quality. For instance while the Egyptian market shows a preference for darker colours cements, Cemex’s home markets in South America require a lighter coloured product. Despite this attempt to differentiate the product, it would appear that the market as a whole is

Monday, October 14, 2019

Nutrition Final Exam Study Guide Essay Example for Free

Nutrition Final Exam Study Guide Essay Understanding Disease Risk Factors Describe the differences between a chronic disease and infectious disease. What leading causes of death are nutrition-related? A) heart diseases, cancers, strokes, diabetes Describe the concept of a risk factor. A) Factors known to be related to diseases, but have not yet proven to be a cause. We say that a certain factor puts us at increased risk for a disease, but does not cause it. How does one use risk factors? Review the basics of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. Be ready to identify the risk factors for cardiovascular disease (especially diet-related risk factors!) A) High LDL blood cholesterol, low HDL blood cholesterol, high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, obesity (central obesity), physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, diet: high saturated or trans fats, low veggies, low fruits, low whole grains Describe the dietary strategies to reduce risk of CVD through diet. A) Decrease saturated and trans fat, increase soluble fiber intake, increase fruits and veggies, increase whole grains/ decrease refined grains, increase fish intake (2 servings/week) What is the TLC diet and what does it entail? A) TLC = Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes. From the NIH, designed to help decrease cholesterol through diet and lifestyle changes: the same changes we saw in table 11.6, also recommends 2 grams per day of plant sterols What do plant sterols have to do with high blood cholesterol? A) Plant sterols – the plant form of cholesterol. Slightly chemically different, prevent us from absorbing cholesterol in the intestines, currently only recommended for those with high cholesterol Weight Management What is meant by the concept of ‘energy balance’? A) Intake = output ïÆ'   weight maintenance Intake output ïÆ'   weight loss Intake output ïÆ'   weight gain What is the significance of BMI? See chart on page 3 of (Module 10 Part 1) What is the risk of being overweight or obese? What are the ranges of BMI? (Know the numbers. What is healthy? Underweight? Overweight?) A) Underweight 18.5 Normal = 18.5 – 24.9 Overweight = 25 – 29.9 Obese (class I) = 30 – 34.9 Obese (class II) = 35 – 39.9 Extremely obese (class III) 40 What are the alternatives to BMI for predicting health status? A) Men 12-20% ‘normal’, 5-10% for athletes, 22% 35%

Sunday, October 13, 2019

What is reading :: Word Recognition, Reading Comprehension

What is reading? At a very tender age, when I first learned to read words, I was excited because I was now a reader but was I really reading or just lifting words off paper? Even though this is necessary for reading, reading is more complex than just recognizing words. The reader has to make sense of the words base and their context. While engaged in reading, the prior knowledge is activated along with personal connection, ideas, and opinions. Unfortunately, children will develop reading problems if they do get the necessary stills that will allow them to function on a higher level and succeed in life. Jennings, Caldwell and Lerner (2010) mentioned that it is said that â€Å"Children must learn to read so that later they can read to learn† (pg. 4). Therefore reading is the foundation that children need to be successful in life. Jennings, Caldwell and Lerner (2010) advised that to help children read better and develop a love for reading, fall on the laps of the teaching professionals since they are the planner and implementation of instructional services (pg. 3). It is understandable that even though there are different levels of readers, the ultimate goal is for teachers to create good readers in children. Jennings, Caldwell and Lerner (2010) iterate that reading is making sense of text. The reader generates his or her own mental version of what is been read (pg. 13). In my field experience, I have seen children who could read any word off paper but had no opinion of what is going on in the story. I have also experienced teachers getting frustrated when their students are not able to decipher or decode words in context or make connection to text. Jennings, Caldwell and Lerner (2010) talked about the three elements of reading. There is the reader, the reading material and the reading situation. The r eader brain is super active while making sense of the material and creating a version that will fit into the reader scheme (pg. 13). As I think back on Jennings, Caldwell and Lerner’s observation, I can remember reading about a Niagara Falls at a young age in Jamaica, West Indies and not knowing what Niagara Falls looks like, I construction in my mind that it looked like Dunn’s River fall in Jamaica. Years later I realized Dunn’s River Fall cannot be compare to Niagara Falls.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

An Understanding of the Teaching Called the New Age. Essay -- promotin

An understanding of the teaching called the new age. Since the fall of human kind from the Garden of Eden, People began to seek out the God. The desire to know and seek God had led human race to many different spiritual Understanding. We knew know that there are so many beliefs in this word. Ancient world seek Out God by worshiping god and goddesses. In the next stage, people started to question the Existence of god and start looking for answers about what God and how God is. This is Starting to bring people to know what was referred to religion. However, it has not been Satisfactory to the human mind that also constantly evolving through time. Human start to Seek out God that can be accepting with common sense also satisfy our spiritual needs without Involving things that are out and cannot be proved by reason and knowledge. One of this Reasonable new belief is The New age Teaching. The New Age This new belief can be said a new belief that puts logic as its foundations. The trust which Focuses on the needs of human life both spiritually and materially. So what is this new age? 1. â€Å" The New age movement is loosely structured network of individuals and Organizations who share a vision of new age of enlighten and harmony (Age or Aquarius) and who subscribe to A common â€Å"worldview† (Geisler dan Watkins 11) 2. The Common worldview is based on â€Å"Monism† ( all in one), Pantheism ( all In God), And Mystic (the experience of oneness with the Divine). (Eliot 15) 3. Because it is so broad and organizationally diffuse, The new age movement cannot be Categorized as a cult by any accepted sociological definitions Of Cult. (Eliot 16) So based on that definitions a new age movement can catego... ...untering Religious Pluralism : the Chalengge to Christian Faith and Mission. Downer Grove, InterVarsity, 2001. Geisler, Norman L and William Watkins. World A part: A handbook on worldviews. Grand Rapids, Baker, 1989. n.d. 4 4 2014. n.d. 4 4 2014. n.d. 4 4 2014. "Membuka topeng Gerakan Jaman Baru." Momentum (2000): 17-40. "New age." 2012. Rhodes, Ron. New age movement. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1995. Tolle, Eckhart. A new earth: Awekening to your life's Purpose. New York: Penquin Group, 2006. —. The Power of Now 2012. 4 4 2014. 2011. 4 4 2014. Zakarias, Ravi and Norman L Geisler. Is Your Church Ready? Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 2003.

Friday, October 11, 2019

How Permanent Are Permanet Markers

For my science fair project, I figured out what solvent would work best to erase permanent marker. The solvents I tested were: lemon juice, vinegar, water, and rubbing alcohol. I tried each of these solvents on a permanent marker line on plastic, paper, fabric, and wood. In this research paper, I will be talking about what a permanent marker is, how they are made, why they work so well, what rubbing alcohol is and its common uses, what vinegar is and its common uses, what water is and why water is so essential, and what exactly lemon juice is.I will also be talking about how plastic is made, how fabric is made, how wood is made, and how paper is made. A permanent marker is a type of writing utensil that is used to create permanent lines on almost any surface. The ink of a permanent marker is water resistant, contains propanol, butanol, diacetone alcohol, and different dye colorings, and can vary between all colors from black to yellow. The process of creating a Sharpie permanent mark er is not very long or complicated. First, the barrel of the marker is molded out of a plastic resin.Screen printing is added to the barrel, including information such as the description of the color of the ink and the Sharpie logo. A filament made out of cotton material is used to hold in the ink as it is inserted into the barrel. A needle is used to inject the permanent ink from the opposite end of the barrel. Then the writing tip is applied. The cap is placed on the Sharpie marker and the permanent ink is slowly absorbed into the tip of the marker. The Sharpie is the most popular permanent marker company worldwide.The brand â€Å"Sharpie† was founded in 1857 and sold ink and glue. Any permanent marker’s ink must contain three ingredients to work. These ingredients are colorant, carrier, and resin. The colorant is what gives the ink its color. Colorants in permanent markers are often pigments, instead of dyes, because pigments fade less easily and do not bleed throug h paper. Dyes are soluble in water, whereas pigments are not. Dyes cannot withstand light as long as pigments can, although dyes are generally available in a wider spectrum of colors.Carriers are what transmit the dye to the paper. They must be able to evaporate quickly once the ink is used. Carriers used to be made up of chemicals such as xylene and toluene, but were vastly replaced by alcohol-based markers in the 1990s. The resin is what causes the ink to stick to a surface. It must have a â€Å"sticky† quality. The resin forms a film over the pigment once the carrier evaporates. The reason that permanent marker works is because permanent ink soaks into a surface, whereas regular erasable ink does not soak into surfaces, but binds to surfaces.Permanent ink is made with resins and dyes dissolved in glycol and water. The ink dries when the glycol or water evaporates and it soaks into the surface, leaving a permanent mark. There are ways to effectively remove ink from permanen t markers. Alcohol will work to erase permanent marker on almost any surface. Many items, such as hairspray or deodorant, contain alcohol and could effectively erase permanent marker. Baking soda is another well-known permanent marker remover. Vinegar was one of the solvents I experimented with. Vinegar is the product of the fermentation of ethanol.The very slow fermentation process can take weeks or even months and occurs naturally. With a machine to help promote oxygenation, however, fermentation can be as quick as a few days. The typical pH of vinegar can range from 2 to 3. 5. Vinegar can be used for many things, such as a cooking ingredient or condiment, it can be used for household cleaning, it has medicinal properties, and it even has agricultural applications. Lemon juice was another solvent I experimented with. Lemon juice is exactly what it sounds like. It is lemon juice squeezed from a lemon.Lemon juice has similar nutritional values as the whole lemon. Lemon juice is an e xcellent source of Vitamin C and can help your body against harmful germs and bacteria. Lemons are also antioxidants and can help the brain and nerve cells as well as having calcium to help your bones and teeth. The solvent that worked best in my experiment was rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol is a denatured alcohol especially used as an antiseptic. It can also be used to cool, warm, or soothe skin. It can inflame the skin and if ingested, may potentially be fatal.Rubbing alcohol consists of 2 ingredients: isopropyl alcohol and water. In fact, rubbing alcohol consists of so much isopropyl alcohol (70%) that it is often referred to just as isopropyl alcohol. Water was the final solvent that I used in my experiment. Water is essential for anything and everything. Human beings need water to stay hydrated and survive. All living creatures need water to stay hydrated and survive. Everyone uses water every day; whether it’s to shower, brush their teeth, to drink, swim, wash their h ands, or to water plants.Seventy percent of the world is made up of water. Water contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and is often referred to as H2O. The H2 stands for the 2 oxygen atoms and the O stands for oxygen. Water can be a liquid, solid, or gas. Water in its regular state is a liquid, can be frozen to form ice, which is a solid, or boiled at 100 ° C to evaporate it and turn it into water vapour, which is a gas. Plastic was one of the surfaces I used in my experiment. Plastic comes from the Greek word plastikos, which means fit for moulding.Plastic is made using a long and complicated process. First, petroleum is drilled and transported to a refinery. Then, crude oil and natural gas are refined into many petrochemical products such as fuel for your car, ethylene, and propylene. Catalyst is combined with ethylene in a reactor, resulting in polymer, a powdered material. Afterwards, the polymer is combined with additives in a blender. The polymer is put in an extr uder, where it gets melted. The melted plastic is now cooled and a machine cuts the plastic into small pellets. The pellets are shipped to industries.The industries manufacture plastic products by melting the pellets to a semifluid state, putting it in a mould under great pressure, and hardening it. The mould opens and the product is completed except for detail work. Another surface that I used in my experiment was paper. To make paper, first trees are specially harvested like crops for the purpose of making paper. Logs of wood are put through a machine that takes off all the bark on the tree. Then, wood chippers cut the wood into 1 inch bits and the bits are put inside a pressure cooker with chemicals and water.The pulp is then washed, refined, cleaned, and turned to slush in a machine that beats the pulp. Color dyes, coatings, and other substances are mixed in and the slush is pumped onto a moving wire screen. The water is drained away on the screen and is recycled. The web of slu sh is rolled between large rollers to remove a large amount of the excess water and to ensure smoothness and uniform thickness. The resulting product is run through heated drying rollers to remove all of the remaining water. The completed paper is wound into large rolls, which can measure up to 30 feet wide.A slicer cuts the paper into small, more manageable rolls. The paper is now ready for use. Wood was the third surface I used in my experiment. The process for making wood is quite simplistic. First, logging companies cut trees down and bring them to a mill. There, they are prepared for particular uses. Machines cut the logs into boards and are sealed or pressure-treated to preserve them. Then the boards are either sold through a lumberyard or sold directly to companies which need them. Fabric was the final surface that I tested the removal of permanent marker on. Cotton fabric also has a lengthy process.First, the ginning, which is the method of separating cotton fibres from seed pods. This is done by machines in a cotton field. Then, the cotton fibre is spun. Yarn is produced from spinning cotton fibre. In this stage, the cotton yarns are made of different thicknesses. Afterwards, a machine weaves threads of yarn, which eventually turn them into cloth after weaving many threads together. Now, the cloth is basically constructed, but must go through some detail work. First, the cloth goes through singeing, which is the process that burns off excess fibres sticking from the goods.Then, the cloth goes through scouring, which is the cleaning of the fabric. Then, some fabrics are bleached to make it a lighter colour. Mercerizing, which is the dipping of fabric in alkali to make it stronger, shiny, durable, shrink free, and stretch free, comes next. Finally, the fabric is treated with chemicals to make it more durable, and it is shipped off to companies that will either use or sell it. Vinegar, water, lemon juice, and rubbing alcohol all have many uses around the house, but when it comes to erasing permanent marker, rubbing alcohol definitely beat the rest.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Joint Family and Kinship in India

INTRODUCTIONIndia offers astounding variety in virtually every aspect of social life. Diversities of ethnic, linguistic, regional, economic, religious, class, and caste groups crosscut Indian society, which is also permeated with immense urban-rural differences and gender distinctions. Differences between north India and south India are particularly significant, especially in systems of kinship and marriage. Indian society is multifaceted to an extent perhaps unknown in any other of the world’s great civilizations—it is more like an area as varied as Europe than any other single nation-state.Adding further variety to contemporary Indian culture are rapidly occurring changes affecting various regions and socioeconomic groups in disparate ways. Yet, amid the complexities of Indian life, widely accepted cultural themes enhance social harmony and order.Many Indian societies were organized around principles of kinship. Kinship ties based on bloodlines or marriage formed the basis of the political, economic, and religious system. Succession to political office and religious positions, ownership and inheritance of property, and even whom one could or could not marry were determined on the basis of membership in a kin group. Social bonds with relatives must be reinforced at family events or at rites crucial to the religious community.Indian SocietyHierarchyIndia is a hierarchical society. Whether in north India or south India, Hindu or Muslim, urban or village, virtually all things, people, and social groups are ranked according to various essential qualities. Although India is a political democracy, notions of complete equality are seldom evident in daily life.Societal hierarchy is evident in caste groups, amongst individuals, and in family and kinship groups. Castes are primarily associated with Hinduism, but caste-like groups also exist among Muslims, Indian, Christians, and other religious communities. Within most villages or towns, everyone knows the relative rankings of each locally represented caste, and behavior is constantly shaped by this knowledge.Individuals are also ranked according to their wealth and power. For example, some powerful people, or â€Å"big men,† sit confidently on chairs, while â€Å"little men† come before them to make requests, either standing or squatting not presuming to sit beside a man of high status as an equal.Hierarchy plays an important role within families and kinship groupings also, where men outrank women of similar age, and senior relatives outrank junior relatives. Formal respect is accorded family members—for example, in northern India, a daughter-in-law shows deference to her husband, to all senior in-laws, and to all daughters of the household. Siblings, too, recognize age differences, with younger siblings addressing older siblings by respectful terms rather than by name.Social InterdependenceOne of the great themes pervading Indian life is social interdependence. People are born into groups–families, clans, sub castes, castes, and religious communities–and live with a constant sense of being part of and inseparable from these groups. A corollary is the notion that everything a person does properly involves interaction with other people. A person's greatest dread, perhaps, is the possibility of being left alone, without social support, to face the necessary challenges of life.This sense of interdependence is extended into the theological realm: the very shape of a person's life is seen as being greatly influenced by divine beings with whom an ongoing relationship must be maintained. Psychologically, family members typically experience intense emotional interdependence. Economic activities, too, are deeply imbedded in a social nexus. Through a multitude of kinship ties, each person is linked with kin in villages and towns near and far. Almost everywhere a person goes; he can find a relative from whom he can expect moral and prac tical support.In every activity, social ties can help a person and the absence of them can bring failure. Seldom do people carry out even the simplest tasks on their own. When a small child eats, his mother puts the food into his mouth with her own hand. When a girl brings water home from the well in pots on her head, someone helps her unload the pots. A student hopes that an influential relative or friend can facilitate his college admission. A young person anticipates that parents will arrange his or her marriage. Finally, a person facing death expects that relatives will conduct the proper funeral rites ensuring his own smooth passage to the next stage of existence and reaffirming social ties among mourners.This sense of interdependence extends into the theological realm. From birth onward, a child learns that his â€Å"fate† has been â€Å"written† by divine forces and that his life is shaped by powerful deities with whom an ongoing relationship must be maintained. Social interaction is regarded as being of the highest priority, and social bonds are expected to be long lasting. Even economic activities that might in Western culture involve impersonal interactions are in India deeply imbedded in a social nexus. All social interaction involves constant attention to hierarchy, respect, honor, the feelings of others, rights and obligations, hospitality, and gifts of food, clothing, and other desirable items. Finely tuned rules of etiquette help facilitate each individual's many social relationships. .Indian Family structureIndian family structure is believed to be the unit that teaches the values and worth of an honest living that have been carried down across generations. Since the puranic ages, Indian family structure was that of a joint family indicating every person of the same clan living together. However, this idea of elaborate living had been disintintegrated in smaller family units. The essential themes of Indian cultural life are learned within the bosom of a family.The joint family is highly valued, ideally  consisting of several generations residing, working, eating, and worshiping together. Such families include men related through the male line, along with their wives, children, and unmarried daughters. A wife usually lives with her husband’s relatives, although she retains important bonds with her natal family. Even in rapidly modernizing India, the traditional joint household remains for most Indians the primary social force, in both ideal and practice.Large families tend to be flexible and well suited to modern Indian life, especially for the more than two-thirds of Indians who are involved in agriculture. As in most primarily agricultural societies, cooperating kin help provide mutual economic security. The joint family is also common in cities, where kinship ties are often crucial to obtaining employment or financial assistance. Many prominent families, such as theTatas, Birlas, and Sarabhais, ret ain joint family arrangements as they cooperate in controlling major financial empires The ancient ideal of the joint family retains its power, but today actual living arrangements vary widely. Many Indians live in nuclear families—-a couple with their unmarried children—-but belong to strong networks of beneficial kinship ties. Often, clusters of relatives live as neighbors, responding readily to their kinship obligations.As they expand, joint families typically divide into smaller units, which gradually grow into new joint families, continuing a perpetual cycle. Today, some family members may move about to take advantage of job opportunities, typically sending money home to the larger family.FAMILY TRANSFORMATIONAn Analytical look on various studies: by different sociologist point of viewsThe Study of family in India centers on the debate of joint family versus nuclear family. The first authentic study on family comes from the writings of Sir Henry Maine, who was law adviser to the colonial government of India.He developed intellectual interest in family studies. He indicated that joint family is characterized by:Common property holding.Absolute authority of ‘Karta’.He considered that joint family is corporate unit where people make contribution differently but share rewards on the basis of their needs. He said that joint family sustains in India because it is considered as moral institution with the members are obliged to perform rituals for common dead ancestorsGS Ghurye considered that ‘joint family is a product of Indian culture that glorified classical values. There is universal presence of joint family cutting across caste, religion which promoted unity among people in Indian society.PN Prabhu in his analysis of family and kinship in India considers that individual association with joint family is driven by moralist, therefore when morals is replaced by individualism (when tradition is replaced by modernity) then joint family is transformed into nuclear family.Irawati Karve offered an exhaustive definition of joint family. She writes that joint family refers to a social group where people belonging to 3 – 4 generations organically related to each other, hold property in common, share common residence, eat food prepared in common kitchen, participate in common rituals and ceremonies and they have, obligations towards the head of the family known as ‘Karta’. She considers that joint family is a product of culture and therefore despite economic transformation joint family system persists in India. It sustains itself as it is driven by cultural ideology rather than driven by economic interest.During 1960s two group of sociologist took considerable interest in the field of family study. One group conforming to modern theory looked into complete integration of joint family system whereas the other group went for empirical studies to examine regional variations in family transformatio n under the various process of modernity. These two theories cannot be  considered as qualitatively different because there position stand vary only on the question of the degree of changes in family.MN Srinivas, SC Dubay find out that there is a strong linkage between caste and joint family. Empirical study indicates that higher castes go for joint family system and lower castes go for nuclear family. Therefore joint family is driven by economic logic rather than cultural moralist. It is also noticed that joint family is not breaking down completely under the influence of urban living.Alan Rose in a study of Bangalore finds out that around 70% of families manifest either structural joint ness of functional joint ness or a mixture of both. MS Gore in his study of Agarwals of Delhi finds out that how mother – son relationship precedes over husband – wife relationship and family operates as a strong support base to its members in matters related to selection of occupat ion, financial assistance and selection of mates. TN Madan indicates how residential separation has not given way to break down of joint family. In his theory of â€Å"money order economy† he indicates that family joint ness has always been enduring in case of India.Thus these scholars concluded by saying that family transformation in India is not a replica of family transformation in the West. Therefore social change in India is Indian in character and so Western theories and models cannot explain family transformation in Indian societyHousehold dimensions of the FamilyFamily transformation in India has puts a fundamental question that, whether in India joint household is disintegrating or joint family is disintegrating. He finds out that proportion of joint household is more today in comparison to past. He points out the reasons for the same i.e. due to rising population; construction of house has become costly, migration in search of employment etc. Bigger joint households are now splitting into smaller households.People living in different households have strong emotional ties therefore joint household is disintegrating but not joint family and so family should be studied from household perspective and  changes in household and family patterns must be investigated to examine actual nature of family transformation in India.Classical sociologists were greatly committed to family study either by considering family as cornerstone of human society or by looking into changing nature of society. With the advent of modernity it was perceived that household is a residential space but family is a social institution. However, with the rise of feminism both as an ideology and as social movement, women's approach towards marriage has gone through a series of transformation. AM Shah in his book â€Å"household dimension of the family in India† indicate that even in traditional context, household and family do not mean similar things.Citing the case of In dia he considers that family and household were absolutely different but family studies in India immensely focused attention on the transformation of joint family into nuclear family. Household refers to residential space where people living together may or may not constitute family. Looking at household pattern one could effectively study nature and form of transformation taking place in Indian society. In recent analysis of global migration and family pattern, it has been found out that in countries like Philippines and India a large chunk of women in search of employment go out to advanced countries of the world. Though most of them are married they don't stay with their family. As a result they constitute independent household.These households may constitute many friends living together or a person living with working partner to whom he/she is not married or a person living all alone. It is generally perceived in case of India that household is less durable an alternative to fam ily system, which gives more importance to friendship than kinship. Household offer immense individual liberty, sexual freedom, limited or no liability towards the other members of the household. Thus it can be concluded that household is evolving into a replacement for family in many developing countries including India. Therefore sociology of kinship is shifting its focus from the study of marriage and family to the study of friendship and household.Sexual Division of LabourFeminist sociologists are of the opinion that whether it’s joint family or nuclear family, in no way family transformation is affecting to the status of women in India. Therefore reproduction, sexuality, division of labour are all determined by the values of patriarchy than by principles of equality. Talcott Parson indicates that industrialisation, urbanization, migration have contributed for occupational mobility, empowerment of women and gender gap within and outside family has sufficiently been reduce d.The modernist theory also indicates that in case of India relationship between husband and wife is now proceeding over parent-child relationship. Conjugal relationship is considered as more important than obligation towards kinship. Irrespective of gender every child inherits the property from parents, selection of mates is no longer family’s responsibility and childbirth is greatly a matter of economics and mutual agreement between spouse. Therefore modernity has broken down traditional form of marriage, hierarchical form of relationship.Traditionally, males have controlled key family resources, such as land or businesses, especially in high-status groups. Following traditional Hindu law, women did not inherit real estate and were thus beholden to their male kin who controlled land and buildings. Under Muslim customary law, women can—and do—inherit real estate, but their shares have typically been smaller than those of males. Modern legislation allows all Ind ian women to inherit real estate.Traditionally, for those families who could afford it, women have controlled some wealth in the form of precious jewelry. In the Indian household, lines of hierarchy and authority are clearly drawn, and ideals of conduct help maintain family harmony. [i] All family members are socialized to accept the authority of those above them in the hierarchy. The eldest male acts as family head, and his wife supervises her daughters-in-law, among whom the youngest has the least authority. Reciprocally, those in authority accept responsibility for meeting the needs of other family members.Systems of Kinship in IndiaKinship is considered as the heart and soul of Indian social life. Despite India's exposure to technological and industrial modernity, descent plays a significant role in the life of people. GS Ghurye writes in detail about various descent groups living together in different regions of the country carrying different names and identities. These differe nt lineage groups bringing together a multi-civilization thereby making India a land of pluralism. However, all these descent groups imbibe common rules of marriage, common food behavior, common cultural, religious ideology radiating from Hinduism and that made Indian society a land of diversity.Indologists look into the role of descent in defining marriage, family and kinship in India. The people belonging to similar descent group are located in a given region where they worship to their common ancestors, follow common way of life and when the size of descent group expands, they migrate to different areas but still carry their identity. Therefore caste is nothing but an expanded descent system that maintains its boundary, distinguishing itself from the other caste.Andre Beteille indicates association of man and kinship is so strong in India that voting behavior is driven by kinship rather than on the basis of merit. In all the political parties of India kinship is the primary sourc e of political recruitment. Thus democratic polity in India is engaged in social and cultural reproduction.In case of India family/kinship offers ideological, economic, infrastructural support to individual to determine the nature of occupation. In conclusion it can be said that the role of descent and kinship not only determines the private sphere of an individual’s life like marriage, family, household, gender role, rituals but also has great influence over his public life like occupational selection, political participation and identity formation. Therefore the role of descent and kinship has changed very little under the influence of modernity in India and so while studying social transformation one cannot afford to ignore the same.Lineage system can be divided into two parts in India i.e.Unilineal systems: a system of determining descent groups in which one belongs to one's father's or mother's lineage. Both patrilineality and matrilineality are types of unilineal descen t.Non-Unilineal systems: a system where there exists multiple forms of relationship.Classical anthropologists divide descent groups into two fundamental types such as:Patrilineal : inheriting or determining descent through the male line.Matrilineal : inheriting or determining descent through the female line.Types of kinship systemsKinship is a relationship between any entity that share a genealogical origin (related to family, lineage, history), through either biological, cultural, or historical descent. The first sociologist to study kinship systems in India is Irawati Karve, she divided India into four different kinship zones such as:North Indian kinship systems.South Indian kinship systems.Central Indian kinship systems.Eastern Indian kinship systems.North Indian kinship systemsThis kinship system is present in Hindi speaking belt and also in areas where Aryan culture influence is substantive. It includes West Bengal, Orissa and Bihar. In North India kinship systems, the rules of marriage is highly exhaustive because a large body of people are excluded from alliance relationship. One cannot receive women from his mother’s group or mother's mother group, father’s mother group and from within his own village. Hence exogamy is quite exhaustive and marriage involves not intra-family ties but inter-village ties. Residential system is very Virilocal (bride lives with husband's father’s group) type . In North Indian kinship father – son relationship precedes over husband – wife relationship.South Indian kinship systemsThis type of relationship system is largely present in all southern states and some of its influence is also largely noticed in pockets of Maharashtra and Orissa. In southern India kinship systems, no distinction is made between patrilineal or matrilineal. In case of South India cross cousins marriage take place and so exogamy is not exhaustive like in North India. The relationship between husband and wife is not su bdued to father – son relationship as in case of North India. Hostility of relationship between the in laws driven by suspicion is also weak in South India.Central Indian kinship systemsThis system is practised in case of Gujarat, Maharashtra, MP which is a mixture of elements of North and South India. In case of Rajputs marriage is greatly determined on the basis of family status of girl. Rajputs are permitted to marry any girl on the basis of their choice rather than simply follow the rules of caste. Marathas are divided into 32 clans which are put into primary, secondary and tertiary divisions and so the rules of marriage are determined accordingly between various divisions. In case of â€Å"Kumbi† of Gujarat one is not supposed to marry women belonging to first-generation from father's side and three generations from mother's side. In case of Rajasthan on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiyamassive marriages take place involving people belonging to different age g roups and their rules of marriage is sufficiently relaxed.Eastern India kinship systemsIt largely includes kinship patterns followed by different tribal groups like Munda of Orissa, Manipuri of Manipur, Nagas, Kukis and Khasi. These kinship systems don't follow specific patterns .A daughter carries the name of patrilineal grandmother and son carries the name of patrilineal grandfather, divorce is common among them In conclusion these regional variations in kinship largely speaks about differential residential patterns, entitlement on the basis of gender, social status of men, women and children bringing the point back home that Indian culture is largely pluralistic in character.Therefore unity in India should not be seen as destruction of the process of diversity but rather it should respect the process of diversity.CONCLUSIONGradual changes have been ushered in by religious, social, and cultural reforms. Industrialization, urbanization, and technological advances have been instrume ntal in changing family structures, values, and lifestyles. Ganeswar Misra (1995) emphasized that middle- and upper-class families in urban areas were undergoing a dramatic transformation because the younger generation is questioning power issues, traditional roles, hierarchical relationships, obligations, loyalty, and deference for kinsmen and elderly.With changing times, Indian family structure, functions, traditional division of labor, and authority patterns have altered, favoring more egalitarian relations between the husband and the wife and also a move toward more shared decision-making patterns between parents and children. Despite these changes, the fact remains that most individuals continue to value and give top priority to the family, and families continue to maintain strong kinship bonds and ties.

80s Fashion Essay

80s Fashion! For many, the 1980s was a great time. The creation of MTV revolutionised fashion, the music industry and even how we watched TV. But for others, it was nothing but bad hair, worse clothing and music often had more to do with machines than talent. The clothes worn in the 80s depicted people who were trying to find themselves. They looked fro ways to express their creativity and individuality.Men wore heavy make-up and grew long hair; for example David Bowie or Boy George. Whilst women wore layers of clothing and short hair cuts. The likes of Madonna and Cindy Lauper rocked this look. Both sexes were looking for an identity. Famous Fashion Trends In the 80s: New Romantic Look, Valley Girl, Power dressing, Leotards and Dance wear and Miami Vice Look were just a few famous trends that people in the eighties wore. New romantic Look:New Wave, New Romantic, and gothic fashion at this time was heavily influenced by punk fashion: the streaky eyeliner, the spiked hair, the outrage ous clothing, some of which derived from bondage wear and some of which (New Romantic) was a nod to long-gone eras. Power Dressing: Shoulder Pads, popularised by Joan Collins and Linda Evans from the soap Opera Dynasty, remained popular throughout the 1980s and even the first three years of the 1990s.The reason behind the sudden popularity of shoulder pads for women in the 1980s may be that women in the workplace were no longer unusual, and wanted to â€Å"power dress† to show that they were the equals of men at the office. Many women's outfits had velcro on the inside of the shoulder where various sized shoulder pads could be attached. Leotards and Dance wear: Leotards had been a fashion trend since the early 1970s, when were first used to add colour and texture under the â€Å"layered look† popular in the middle of that decade.By the end of the decade leotards made from shiny spandex had become the standard feminine fashion of the â€Å"disco era†, partly for their form-fitting quality and the fact that they allowed flexibility and ease of movement. With the arrival of the aerobics craze of the early 1980s the classic leotard moved from the dance floor to the gym, accompanied by matching tights, Leg warmers and elastic headbands. Leotards of the early 1980s boasted bright stripes, polka dots, and even elastic belts.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Major programmes are just scaled-up projects. Do you agree or disagree Assignment

Major programmes are just scaled-up projects. Do you agree or disagree with this statement Explain your answer with reference to the implications for Major Programme Managers - Assignment Example I am absolutely sure a programme manager faces complementary challenges to managing various project leaders. This assignment will examine why major programmes cannot be termed as scale-up projects, and the implications on a major programme manager. Programmes cannot and should not be treated as scale-up projects. After performing a comparative biometric study of 517 program articles and a 1164 project articles published in the last 21 years in leading scientific business journals, Artto, Martinsuo, Gemunden, Murtuaro; found that projects relate dominantly to the product development theme, but programs relate to a wide variety of management themes. Examples include; manufacturing, quality, organizational change, change in work and industry, and product development. The level of analysis with programs seems to be an organization and its major parts. Project articles, on the other hand, seem to focus on single project level issues. The object of programmes is the change of a permanent organization. With projects, the permanent organization is a given factor that dictates criteria and enablers for project success (Artto, Martinsuo, Gemunden, Murtuaro, 2007). A programme manager faces organizational outcomes related challenges. The major challenge of the programme manager is the coordination of structures and processes used to manage multiple inter-related projects in the organization (Partington, Pellegrinelli, Toung, 2004). Programmes are a collection of change actions that might include both projects and non-project actions (Thiry, The Wiley Guide). Programme managers are accountable for the running of major functions in the corporation. They ensure the horizontal integration of projects and processes for the formulation of business strategies. They are also responsible for the vertical integration approach of projects across the project portfolio. Closing, through governance, the gap between corporate goals and product